February 05, 2009

Raw Juice Threapy: Gout

A build up of too much uric acid (a normal waste product from the breakdown of purine) in the body results in gout. It is characterised by sudden attacks of extremely painful swollen hot joints, usually the big toe joint, foot, hand, knee and shoulder.
Gout can be triggered by a diet high in purines. Avoid alcohol and foods such as animal organs, sardines, bacon, shellfish, red meat, soy products.
Reduce wieght. You might want to think twice about doing Atkins.
Drink lots of purified water and Vitamin C ( grapes, strawberries) to flush uric acid through the system.
Consider taking cherries which are rich in anthocyanins that are effective in reducing inflammation and uric acid level in your blood.
The juice of choice:
French or string bean (150ml) a day.

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